National Council (NC) of BPKS acts as highest approval authority over fundamental and constitutional matters including annual plan and budget, appointment of election commission, decide on matters related to Executive Director. Members of NC are disabled persons themselves and representatives from grassroots disabled people organizations across Bangladesh.
NC Members’ Enrolment Process: BPKS Established Grassroots Disabled People Organization to Development (GDPOD) nominates their representatives to the respective DPOD. BPKS call for nomination from DPODs for filling BPKS NC membership position. Encouragements are given to each level to ensure the equal participation of women with disabilities throughout the process. BPKS also have provision to give membership from professional’s category to ensure different experience and knowledge-based members in the NC.
National Executive Council (NEC) of BPKS acts as executive decision-making board of BPKS having responsibility of overseeing the on-going programs or projects of the organization. The NEC is formed by members of NC through election.