Copyright ©2025 BPKS

Program Operation And Management

Bangladesh Protibandhi Kallyan Somity (BPKS)

BPKS Programs are managed and administered by the competent team of staffs at field (program areas) and the head office of BPKS. The management structure is designed with a view of effective implementation management, monitoring/evaluation and reporting of the program. The program management structure is inbuilt with the overall structure of organizational management in which the Executive Director (ED)/Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is finally responsible for effective & efficient execution of the program; On behalf of ED, Program Implementation Division (PID) headed by PID Chief is responsible and reportable to ED for overall implementation, coordination, supervision and progress tracking of the program. At head office, PID Chief is directly assisted by the different sections head. At the field level, Centre Coordinators (CC) or program need wise designated officers supported by different types of staffs and a team of field staffs (facilitators) will be full responsible for day-to-day activity implementation, coordination, management, local administration and reporting of program progress to their line supervisors who assess those and updates the ED regularly on monthly basis.


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